Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Tuesday, July 31st, 2007

Ah yes, the last day of July, such a beautiful time of the year....the dog days of summer, the wolves at the door, the best of times, the worst of times and a handful of other descriptions that would take us entirely off track. There is a driving locomotive of purpose here: This is the all-important, all-knowing East vs. West blog and as such it invites all those in either camp to identify themselves as such and to bring forth their very own testimonials of the daily circumstances and trivialities that lead them to ally with one side over the other. East vs. West is not New York versus San Francisco, it's not LA versus DC, it's not Buddha versus Jesus nor is it Yes versus No nor wrong or right....it is merely life AND death.


Smirnster said...

Right now im sitting in a house on Long island, irrelevant to where on long island this house maybe because every house is the same house. You have the same neighbors raising their kids, walking there dogs and its 3:30 on a beautiful sunny day and where is everyone? They're all at work....and why? Whats the point of working if you can't enjoy your life. I feel like west coasters maybe similar but they're quality of life is higher....Perhaps this is a myth you tell me? Anyway, i'll enjoy my day all by myself. I have the luxury of being a full time student and right now, Im on summer vacation...

East Meets West said...


Smirnster said...

Ok, for those of you who don't know me, I'm an artist. I'm a painter/draftsmen/creative thinker. And I hate it when Business minded friends of mine try to offer, or rather lecture me on ways that they think i can make money just to hold off until I get my big break. This kind of attitude is really disconcerting to the idea of Art. Anyone who knows anything about art would not go and venture to push someone to be a commerial artist unless the artist agrees with the principles that goes along with being a commercial artist. I am one artist who is not ready or willing to go down that path yet. Until then, I'd rather starve

East Meets West said...

'Little boxes on the hillside
Little boxes made of ticky-tacky
Little boxes on the hillside
Little boxes all the same
There's a green one and a pink one
And a blue one and a yellow one
And they're all made out of ticky-tacky
And they all look just the same'

"Reynolds made up Little Boxes [in 1961] when she was driving to Palo Alto to sing for the P.T.A. Driving past Daly City south of San Francisco, she looked up at the hill-side, and said to her husband, "Bud, take the wheel. I feel a song coming on." When she got to Palo Alto, she had the song ready to sing."

Smirnster said...

So anyone who reads the New York Times will not that the world is fucked. Brazil is suffering because of deforestation every year and is very skeptical of foreign influences even coming in to help them. This is one world folks we all gotta be in it together because we're all gonna suffer. Last night on the Colbert Report they talked about Kashmir and Goats in China. Because of our need for cheaper Kashmir the climates of the entire west coast of the U.S. are being infiltrated with Dust from China. The add insult to injury we're suffering from our mass consumption as much as the chinese are suffering from over production. We need to stop and think about the ecology more as an american citizen if we are going to continue our way of life.

DrMudd221 said...

If you wanna be King Of The Hill, A number 1 it's gotta be done in New York. The quality of the life you lead is all relative to your personal attitude towards that life. But, doesn't everyone want to be the best at what they do? If you're an writer, don't you want to be the best writer you can be? If you're an artist, wouldn't it be nice to be the best artist out there? If money is your game, aren't you striving to be the richest you can be?... I am by nature an extremely competitive individual and in no other place have I found competition in my everyday life like in New York. I race people out of the subway stations, I make sure I get a seat on that subway car, I get pissed at cabbies because it's impossible to take them head on (due to a slightly unfair advantage) I feud with the fans of other sports teams who think their city's teams are better than my NY teams.... This blog has been set up to see which coast is better East or West, and for the competitive person my personal vote is for the East.

And to address my friend Ross's comment about people trying to make a quick buck off his art don't worry about the business man, that's his perogative he's gotta do what he's gotta do. You're an artist so you just gotta do you!

Smirnster said...

Thanks for the Propps Mike, and I'd like to address the issue at hand. New York is great. My grandfather started a business in New York's garment center which lasted over 50 years. So one could say that I was born into New York City. However, Recently I get a strange feeling that I need to leave New York and go to other places around the world. I strongly believe that if you can make it there you can make it anywhere, but why is it they we have to prove this theory over and over again. In the end all new yorkers perish, no one lasts forever so although you may rise to the top, you may also crash to the bottom, in the long run. The west coast is very beautiful. much more than the east, this is something that can not be argued. It's a slow paced lifestyle. I love to visit. Maybe soon i'll be looking to make that move, but much yet to be pondered about this issue....

Revere Glass said...

Check out Revere Forums, it's the ONLY place to be.